La Haine qu'on donne
by Angie Thomas
La jeune noire Starr Carter, 16 ans, vit entre deux mondes : le quartier pauvre où elle habite et le lycée blanc situé dans une banlieue chic qu'elle fréquente. Cet équilibre difficile est brisé quand Starr voit son meilleur ami d'enfance, Khalil, tué par un policier trop nerveux. Son quartier s’embrase, Khalil devient un symbole national. Starr doit apprendre à surmonter son deuil et sa colère.
Publication Information
Published: 2017
Translated to French: Yes
Number of pages: 488
Recommended FSL Programs and Grades
Grade 9 (Immersion)
Grade 10 (Extended, Immersion)
Grade 11 (Core, Extended, Immersion)
Grade 12 (Core, Extended, Immersion)
Race/Ethnic/Geographic Information
Author: Black/African/Caribbean Heritage, born and currently resides in Jackson, Mississippi
Characters: Black/African/Caribbean Heritage
Setting: Garden Heights, an inner-city neighborhood in the southern part of the United States, possibly a fictionalized version of the Georgetown neighbourhood of Jackson, Mississippi, and the suburbs associated with that city
Notes from a teacher-reader
Movie available, but a little different from the book.
Younger grades - allow them to watch the movie with subtitles and use excerpts from the book.
Chapter 2 can be used to talk about how certain groups deal with the police (Dad teaches daughter how to interact with the police).
Relevant to current events.
The main character, Starr, goes to an all-white private school.
She lives in a place different from her school culture.
She must deal with the concept of identity.
Best friend (white) is racist because she empathizes with the officer who killed the main character’s Black friend from her neighborhood who was reaching to get a hairbrush when he was shot and killed by police.
The key event is when the Black friend was killed by a police officer (questions on speaking up about this or not, how to react, what to do, what is my responsibility).
Relationships change in the story as main character’s identity develops.
Main theme - why people focus on the negative experiences of the Black friend who was killed and forgetting all positive aspects of his life.
Hook: Relatable to teens, addresses racism in society, police brutality, and white privilege.
Classroom use:
Originally an English book, students can easily access information without reading in French.
Used as early as grade 9 Extended if only using excerpts.
Cross-Curricular opportunity - many Eng Dept. read it in grade 9.
Content warnings: Police brutality, gang violence.
Feel free to contact the teacher-reader, Keri McKenzie-Irving, at if you have questions about this novel.