Le taxi d'Imani
by Thierry Lenian
À Libreville, au Gabon, il existe un taxi qui rend bien des services ! Il est conduit par la jeune Imani, nouvellement arrivée dans le pays.. Elle aime y fredonner sa chanson fétiche : « Après l'attente... le bonheur ! » En sillonnant la ville animée, en accompagnant les uns et les autres, on fait de surprenantes rencontres... capables de changer une vie.. Une chronique contemporaine, sans clichés, menée tambour battant, grâce à la plume précise et allègre de Thierry Lenain et aux compositions graphiques et narratives d'Olivier Balez : deux voix qui s'épaulent avec force et complicité. .
Published: 2020
Originally written in French
Number of pages: 40
Recommended FSL Programs and Grades
Grade 11 (Core French)
Grade 12 (Core French)
Race/Ethnic/Geographic Information
Author: White
Characters: Gabonese
Setting: Gabon
Notes from a teacher-reader
Picture book - students might not want to engage with it bc they might not think that it is a good book. Best for a classroom library or book club setting
Book was excellent!
Artistry allows for predictive work easily
Character moves to Gabon for a more stable political environment, however Gabon currently is facing political instability so would need to be taught in context
She wants to make money, buys an old car and fixes it up to make a taxi
Parts of the book (i.e. 2-3 pages) are individual stories that could be read as one-offs ->All the passengers have different stories
Good opportunities to discuss stereotypes about African countries - has lots of diverse experiences
Cheesy ending - gets a huge cheque in the mail for coming up with a jingle for a famous singer; reunited with her love
Multiple entry points, very easy to build on and investigate different parts of the novel
Author a White man, award winning author
The song on the inside cover and that she sings is on YouTube and goes with the book
90% of the book is in the present tense, very accessible - the sentences got more complex later on in the book
Not much slang, but long sentences and precise vocabulary so more B1 level
Grade 9 Core French would be manageable with a lot of teacher support or simplification of the text
Works well with a split class because there is so much content to work with
Feel free to contact the teacher-reader, Amanda Cloutier at amanda.cloutier@peelsb.com if you have questions about this novel.